1. Daisy Daisy

    Daisy Daisy Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 28, 2021
    Hello to you all, I’ve been reading and enjoying all the fantastic posts and advice shared here, so I thought it was time to finally say hi! I’m from Northern Ireland and fairly new to gardening. I started about four years ago when I moved house and found myself with a rather large (and very overgrown in parts) garden. It had once been well-loved but had become a bit neglected. What I thought would just be a tidy-up and a few things put in place to keep it low maintenance quickly turned into a complete love of gardening!

    Along the way I have developed an obsession with Dahlias, fallen in love with Clematis or any climbing plant, and despite never having grown anything before, or know a weed from a flower I now have two greenhouses! It’s been a lot of hard work and quiet a few plant causalities along the way but I’ve learned so much with plenty more still to figure out. I am having a rethink on the way I would like the garden to progress so I am looking forward to getting involved here and picking up even more tips and inspiration from you all! :spinning::)
  2. Michael Hewett

    Michael Hewett Total Gardener

    Mar 13, 2016
    Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
    Hello @Daisy Daisy and welcome to Gardeners corner. It's nice to know you've found an interest in gardening and have some favourite plants, I hope you enjoy it here.
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