Hi, I'm hoping to get our garden into better shape this year, so our 2 kids can play in it safely and I can sunbathe on a nice lawn while my husband does the bbq. I'm a complete novice and my husband can cut the lawn and that's it, so I dont think it will be easy . Any advice to remove moss from a patchy lawn without causing bigger patches will be a good start. Thanks T x
Hi Tricia, welcome to Gardeners Corner:D We've for a lot of knowledgeable gardeners who will be able to give you advice on your lawn.:D
Hello and welcome. Getting rid of moss from lawns is an ongoing process. There are also easy ways and hard ways. Unfortunately the easy ways tend to be short lived. The first battle is to get rid of the existing moss. That's a rake job really. I'm not sure when you'll get a chance to do that any time soon though, as you don't want to rip up the grass roots. I think its a late summer job. Next is to make the lawn inhospitable to moss. Moss loves damp shade. The surface of the soil under grass is ideal, hence it being a problem in lawns. If you make sure the ground drains well, and then top dress with sand, that will go a long way to keeping the moss under control. Moss is not deep rooted at all, and sand is very free draining, so having a thin layer of sand between soil and moss is a sure way to make life difficult for it.
Hello and welcome to the forum Tricia. Come the spring and you still have moss, then you could use a lawn weed and feed product from the garden centre, pick one that specifically mentions killing moss. It will then need some hard work with the rake to remove the dead moss.