Help! 70 ft long fence to disguise

Discussion in 'New Members Introduction' started by Granny Rose, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. Granny Rose

    Granny Rose Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 30, 2009
    Our neighbours have just erected a hideous 70 ft long & 7 ft max height fence. It is east facing in our garden & I would welcome suggestions as to what to plant to disguise it. The sun leaves the space around 2pm after which it casts long shadow. The ground is heavy clay/chalk so realise it will need alot of topsoil, humus etc.

    Have gathered from the net various climbing/rambler roses, climbing hydrangea, clematis etc. but need to know how may plants to space out etc. & also what other things would take.

    All suggestions very much appreciated.

    Many thanks,

    Granny Rose
  2. Canucks72

    Canucks72 Gardener

    Apr 26, 2009
    Hi Granny,

    You seem to have posted this in the welcome section... you might get a better response if you cut and paste to a new thread in one of the actual gardening forums.

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