Help for the first time water gardener.

Discussion in 'Water Gardening' started by lollipop, Apr 18, 2009.

  1. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008

    Although my hubby has kept show Koi for many years, this time the pond is mine. I want to put comets in my pond.

    At the moment it is pretty much a pool of water and going green with algae so it's time to get my skates on if I want the fish this year.

    I have checked the depth-2and 1/2 ft, but now I need plants to make them a good home.

    I need ( and this is a big I THINK ) oxygenators and pond cover.

    It is under the oak trees-yes I know ( I have been told many times by my husband) that this is in the wrong place, but it's there now and I will dutifully clear the leaves I promise.

    I am prepared to spend money, so even the most outrageous recommendations are okay.

    It is a formal pond and I need something that will cover the top inch that is visiible of the liner too.

    Now I know I have come to the right people for help.

    It's a blank canvas, and all ideas are greatfully accepted.
  2. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    I suggest you look to see what your husband has done and do that. Seriously, some plants will look nice but that is all they will do, if you want to get rid of the green water you need a U.V and filter, only it needs to be in proportion to your pool volume, not as big as you would find in a koi pond.

    Have a read of the question here

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