Help from somebody in the care industry please.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Allan Hodgson, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. Allan Hodgson

    Allan Hodgson Gardener

    Jun 1, 2013
    Processing assistant.
    Workington, Cumbria
    I'm wanting to get into the care industry but I'm terrible at putting words onto paper. I was wondering if there is anybody around the site that can help give me some tips on what to put for why I want a job in the care sector. In my head I know what qualities I have that would allow me to do a good job and why I want to do it. but I'm totally useless at being able to put it down in words. any help or examples are appreciated.
  2. pamsdish

    pamsdish Total Gardener

    Apr 5, 2008
    "Black Country Wench" in Margam,Port Talbot,Wales
    My friend manages a care home and there is a big turn over of staff in them, most only pay minimum wage.
    I spent some time there last Christmas, not for me.

    Is it hands on experience you want, if so apply to a care home and work through the NVQs. You just ask if any vacancies.
    If its more social work side, my daughter is one, you have to go the college route, and again work through.
  3. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    I worked in a care home for a while about 15 years ago, and I can only echo Pam - the pay is generally poor and it is hard graft.

    If you are sure that it is still the job for you, then I would suggest simply being honest in your applications - tell them why you want to work in the care industry and what particular qualities you have that you think make you ideal for the job. :)
  4. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    Can you be more specific, hospital care, home care companion care or what.?
    I was a daily carer to an elderly gentleman here in the village for many years.. yes the pay is rubbish but I gained a lot of job satisfaction from it for many years.. Before he got really sick he was a lovely lovely fun chap & we had some laughs, days out, he was a smasher, but very very time consuming... ;) :SUNsmile: I think you need to be a people person to do it..It became very soul destroying as he got older & frailer & Alzheimers set in, it became more & more hands on as he lost his faculties & bodily control.. His family were no help & not interested.. In the end he had to go into 24 hr care as I couldn't cope with him even with social services help...

    I look at the 2 care homes in the village here & they are worlds apart.. A small privately run one that is lovely, friendly & highly rated & thought of..

    Then there is one that is part of a chain that moved into a big house here.. Quality of care is rubbish , foreign care workers & nurses, rather grubby & a very low level of care... Sad........

    Be wary of some of the chains as they really pay rubbish on the whole & are not that good usually.. :mad:
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    • redstar

      redstar Total Gardener

      Aug 6, 2008
      Domestic Goddess
      Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
      Well Allen, glad you offered up that you were not good at putting things into words. First off, the two words together Care Industry to me are very opposite and not used. We here use the terms Human Services.
      Well, I have been in the Human Services field for 43 years. And yes, direct care human services really pays only minimum wage. Most my staff have two jobs to get by, or do Lots of overtime, which over here is time and 1/2. I was fortune enough to get a position early when I was 18 years old that offered college reinbursement which I took advantage of. Put myself on the over night shift and went to college during the day, and was able to study most of my shift while my patients slept. You really do need a college degree to get up the ladder in this field. I spent many years working in the Psychiatric area, then the Nursing home area, then Case Management in an acute care hospital. Now last 10 I am working in Mental Health Mental Retardation field overseeing group homes and staff. I have always supervised people. At age 22 years old supervised 10 people, them moved up at age 26 to supervise 95 staff, Nursing home about 95 including nurses. In the Mental Health field supervising Psychatrists.
      If your looking for wording of your resume, there are lots of examples out there on line and in books to help your write one.
      If your going in without experience you may have to just take any job to get the expereince then also look for others who are willing to pay for the experience.
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      • Lolimac

        Lolimac Guest

        Hi Allan,
        Is it actual work in a 'care home' you are interested in? if so as Pam says the staff turn over is quite high and majority of places are crying out for staff....why not try and find a Care home local to you and pop in and talk to the manager and ask if it's possible for you to have a guided tour to get the feel of the place .....'Good' care homes a very few and far between and good care staff are even 'fewer'... it's nice to hear that someone is genuinely interested in wanting to go into the care sector.....:dbgrtmb:....i've worked in the care industry for over 30 years and although it can be very rewarding it has more down sides these days....sorry for being a little negative but you need to look into it very carefully and do your research before you commit for the pay...local authority care homes ,what's left of them pay more than the private sector and although it should never be about the money when it comes to caring the pay and working conditions in many ....NOT ALL are IMO a disgrace...times have certainly changed over the years and i personally think not for the better....a good care home is very hard to find....i wish you luck:dbgrtmb:
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        • Allan Hodgson

          Allan Hodgson Gardener

          Jun 1, 2013
          Processing assistant.
          Workington, Cumbria
          it was a care home I applied for but I have no idea what area Id like to work in. some people like working with the elderly and some people cant stand it and others like working with mentally disabled where others don't like that. I just need to get my foot in the door then I can try a bit of everything. another big reason for me wanting to get into care is because im sick of being looked down upon by the general public for doing what I currently do, and I want to do something more respectable and satisfying.
        • Lea

          Lea Super Gardener

          Feb 14, 2011
          Have you thought about training as a nurse? The country seems to be crying out for them at the moment.
        • pamsdish

          pamsdish Total Gardener

          Apr 5, 2008
          "Black Country Wench" in Margam,Port Talbot,Wales
          My friend specialises in dementia patients, she loves it.
        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          @Allan Hodgson ...I care for clients with Dementia and Alzheimer's and personally i think you can't get a more rewarding job...i understand it's not everyones cup of tea and those that say 'they can't stand it' is probably more down to the working conditions....a good manager and support team for the clients and the staff is what it boils down the end of the day you can have all the training in the world but you don't need a degree to CARE....These folks were once just like us...bringing up families ,working to make ends meet,dashing here and there to get things's a very cruel illness and just as cruel for their familes too....but even if you can make them smile done:thumbsup:

          Right i'm just climbing down offa me soap box...but it's a subject i'm very passionate about....
          There for the grace of god and all that....:dbgrtmb:
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          • Allan Hodgson

            Allan Hodgson Gardener

            Jun 1, 2013
            Processing assistant.
            Workington, Cumbria
            yeah dementia is awfull my nan had it and died 4 years back with it. that may also be subconsiosly a reason why id like to do this job.

            Lea id love to do nursing in an ideal world but I would need a degree, and there is no way I could go to university to do that. id have to go back to college to get the grades to get into uni then id have to move far away (as there are no universities close to us) that's without even thinking of finding money to pay the bills while I was studying.

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