Help! What should I do with my borders?!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by parcheesy, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. parcheesy

    parcheesy Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 1, 2013
    Travel Consultant
    East Wittering, West Sussex
    I am now at the stage that i'd like to start filling the borders up a bit but i have no idea where to start! i need low maintenance as I have very little spare time. Can anyone give me some ideas, or point me in the direction of where to look for ideas?


    Centre are monbretia. They are the only thing in this border I am precious about. To the left are bleeding heart, snap dragons and geraniums that I plonked in for some instant colour. There is an unidentified shrub that I unearthed when we took out the conifer which I'm just watching to see how it develops. The bed is south facing and we live about 200 yds as the crow flies from the beach, but two roads in between, so a little sheltered.

    L-R convolvulus cneorum, Elysium x2 collapsed together and forwards, convululous again, hellebore. Clematis Montana over the top. The bottom is a bit too symmetrical. Thinking of removing 1 Elysium, filling the gap and behind with some new things and taking out one convululous too. I want to put in a climber to entwine with the clematis for some later colour. North facing.

    The most gappy. A couple of decent climbers and another hellebore. A hardy geranium and a sweet little alpine too. West facing.
  2. parcheesy

    parcheesy Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 1, 2013
    Travel Consultant
    East Wittering, West Sussex
    Hello from a newbie after a long absence! Just reviving this post to see if anyone has any tips for me.

    Ignore the first picture. My focus is on my north facing back garden for now.

    The bed In The second picture down is now empty after getting a battering from the winter storms. I plan on replacing the clematis Montana, but would also like to pop something in for some later colour.

    The hellebore in the corner is still there but the rest is gone. Any tips please for some hardy, easy to care for perennials that will fill the space up?

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