Help With a Wet Garden Please!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Jessica, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. Jessica

    Jessica Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 27, 2005

    I've just registered as i need some help with my mum's garden! She's wanting to make it look a bit nicer as its just grass at the moment. She wants some flowers, trees, plants and an area for seating etc. Although it is a lovely big garden so theres lots of potential, the problem is that it gets very wet and floods in the winter! The ground is clay which is what causes the problem. We put a pond in last summer which has done really well over the winter, but we want some plants and trees around it. We have some small heathers which have done really well but everything else we plant seems to die - Probably because of how wet it is?

    I really want some advice as to good trees and plants to put around the pond. We want something that will look nice, and will also grow easily in the wetter ground and so far we can't find anything!!

    Any help would be great as we're really all out of ideas with this garden!


  2. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    There are lots of plants that like it wet. A number of books on gardening have appendices at the back that give lists of plants for dry areas, wet areas, acid soil etc. You could probably find similar lists on the internet - search on "plants wet area" or similar.

    In the wetter part of my garden I have (all perennials) Astilbe, Eupatorium, Hemerocallis, Lobelia, Lythrum, Monada, Lysimachia. There is also Hosta, Iris, Primula etc.

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