help with grass growing

Discussion in 'NEW Gardeners !' started by lee12345, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. lee12345

    lee12345 Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 11, 2014
    Hi there i would like to ask a question if possible. i want to grow some more grass in my garden where it has gone patchy . I was wondering if there was any type of seed i can buy that is just a matter of spreading it over the area and it does the rest itself, or do i need to do lots of other things with the seed to make the grass grow. I did try some of that miracle grow all in one , but nothing happend at all. I really am very new to all this . Thank you for your time
  2. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    Can you post a photo so we can see "how patchy"? If it is "wrecked" it might need a bit more than just patch-up-and-mend.

    In principle you can just "rough up" the patchy areas a bit, sprinkle some grass seed, and then wait. Autumn is best, so I would wait until second half of September.

    Choose your grass seed carefully - if it is shady then make sure you get some "shady grass seed mix", if full sun then get a mix that includes "perennial Rye grass" (bowling green grass seed has no perennial Rye grass, but is a lot more difficult to look after).

    Don't walk on the patches after you have seeded them, otherwise you will compact the soil and make it harder for the grass seedlings to take hold and get established.
  3. sue young

    sue young Gardener

    Aug 14, 2014
    Hi, we had a problem with patchy areas after a bonfire got a bit out of hand (we wont go there haha!!) - all we did was stab the area with a garden fork, used the cheap grass seed you can pick up in any gardening store, sprinkled liberally then made a tepee out of bamboo cane and garden mesh to keep the bllinkin' birds off it! watered daily and it grew back fine.
    we tried the expensive stuff but it didn't work (the stuff you sprinkle on and it kills off the moss etc, but no grass grew!)

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