help with toms peppers aubergines potaoes please

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by zebraone11, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. zebraone11

    zebraone11 Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    hi,i have a few questions if anyone can answer, i am new to growing things and have already wrecked this years plums and cherrys so don,t want to do the same with the tomatoes etc..
    my tomatoe plants in the greenhouse are now often and much should i water.............also i have red pepper plants and aubergines plants just planted in greenhouse ,how often and much should i water these...i,m sure i read somewhere to water every 2 weeks but i,m sure my dad used to do it more often....
    ..i also have cauliflowers just put in the ground and i read to water them every 2 weeks but i then read to keep them moist,,what should i do..
    one more question...i put some potatoes in pots a few weeks ago..should i be watering them because i read i don,t need to untill the flowers start,,,then how often and much should i water ...sorry for all the questions but i pruned my plum and cherry tree and i have no fruit this year except the odd 1....i think i must have cut too much away maybe..thanks
  2. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    "my tomatoe plants in the greenhouse are now often and much should i water"

    Don't let the plant dry out, a little and often is better. Depends on size of the pot / grow bag / in-the-soil as to how quickly they will dry out.

    " i have red pepper plants and aubergines plants just planted in greenhouse ,how often and much should i water these"

    My Sweet Peppers need about the same frequency as my Toms (but are in a slightly smaller pot).

    My Aubergines are not, yet, drinking as often / much. But they have only just flowered, whereas my Peppers and Toms have been fruiting for a while now.

    ",m sure i read somewhere to water every 2 weeks"

    Sorry, should have read ahead. I water mine Toms, in 11" pots, THREE TIMES A DAY !! Once every two weeks will kill them, for sure, in a greenhouse :(

    ".i also have cauliflowers just put in the ground and i read to water them every 2 weeks but i then read to keep them moist,,what should i do"

    Generally stuff that is outside is best given a jolly good soaking, but less frequently. The idea is to encourage them to put their roots down deep, so they can better survive by themselves. If you water every day they won;t bother to put their roots down.

    Anyways, things that are bulking up can do with watering more often to help them. Of course if you get a decent drop of rain then you don't need to water them at all, if we get a drought then they will need more. It will help Caluis if you water them (I mean as a mater of course, rather than if they might need it) when their heads are forming

    "i put some potatoes in pots a few weeks ago..should i be watering them"

    Anything in a pot is going to need watering :( Potatoes need more water when the fruit start to help the tubers swell - that's the same time as when they flower, roughly speaking.

    " i pruned my plum and cherry tree and i have no fruit this year"

    I expect you pruned it at the wrong time, and cut off the wood that would have carried the flowers / fruits.
  3. hammer

    hammer Gardener

    Apr 29, 2008
    just water the greenhouse stuff twice a day but like i do i go easy on one of the waterings and all should be fine.
  4. Prastio

    Prastio Gardener

    Sep 30, 2006
    " i pruned my plum and cherry tree and i have no fruit this year"

    I have no fruit on my trees (and I didn't prune them!). I suspect that you just got caught by a late frost which burnt all the blossom.

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