Heritage Weekend

Discussion in 'Events' started by Fidgetsmum, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. Fidgetsmum

    Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

    Jul 25, 2009
    Deepest, darkest Kent
    Anyone at a loose end this weekend and you might want to put 'Heritage Open Days + [your county]' into Google and look down the list of places either not normally open, or open for free this weekend - there might be something of interest in your area.

    As a BTW - The London Open House week-end is next week - the FO is always worth a look.
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    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Ah is that what it is, just read about The Quaker House being open in Bridport tommorow, will get down there if I can:dbgrtmb:

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