Hi, My name is Andy, from South London (although don't hold it against me!!)... Fairly new to this gardening lark!! Got a small raised bed about 8'x2' that I grew a few bits of veg in last year, with varying success. Also borders that I put some plants in.. Although my garden is more about football and trampolining than plants!!
to GC @AndyW72 Glad you've joined us and well done on your veg success last year We all start somewhere and I think you will be quite surprised just how much you can learn and improve on the gardening front just by *reading* a forum like this. You will positively fly when you ask questions specific to your needs as well Ah, I-spy a family who think the garden is their sole province No worries, your raised bed, borders and even containers should give you enough space to grow some tasty edibles and a few pretties for the eye too. Grab a chair and .... start reading! Looking forward to reading your posts.
Hello Andy, a very warm from me too Do ask as many questions as you need to , there's always someone who will be able to answer. sounds like you are already off to a good start with your veg success last year . I shall look forward to hearing all about your garden in the meantime have a good look around the forum there's lots to read up on