hi all, my name is kevin and my girlfriends name is sarah, we live in dagenham, essex, which isnt the best area to live but its ok for now just registered today on this forum, been living at my first place since august last year so didnt get to enjoy much hot weather in my garden but got to enjoy some hot weather today i started on my garden again, when we first moved in the back garden was like a field and the front garden was the same we dug about half of the back garden over last year so half of the back garden is nice now, the rest is ok, but the rest is uneven, front garden is nice now, some patches where there is dead grass but front garden is ok, doesnt need too much work back garden needs work, something i really want in the back garden is some kind of fence, all i have is that green mesh stuff the council put in, so can see the back of peoples sheds, horrible gardens, and the people:D i will post pictures up soon of front and back garden before and after
As long as does not involves any digging!:hehe::hehe: Hi to sarahandkevin welcome to GC and enjoy your stay robert
here is pictures of my garden http://www.gardenerscorner.co.uk/forum/showthread.php/my-garden-needs-20144.html