Hi everybody! Let me start off by saying i am new to European gardening coming from Australia originally and now residing in Belgium, i didn't think it would be too much of a difference but it really is. I found this site by searching for some info that is in English and figured the weather here is similar to southern England so i should be able to get some useful advice and learn while I'm at it. Anyway we have recently moved from an apartment to a house with quite a large yard and large garden full of many different species of plants, also of many species that i don't know what they are and some i do, so to be able to learn how to properly look after these and what are weeds and the like is one of my reasons for coming here. Also i am very, very keen to get a vegetable and herb garden going beyond the couple of pots of herbs i have atm. I have plenty of space for this but no actual area so i will have to create an area, wether to build a garden bed is the best option or to tear up an already planted area I'm not sure yet. I also think that a greenhouse(all of my neighbours have these) may be the best option for me and need to learn more about that. Another problem that i have is rabbits, lots of rabbits so i must be able to keep them out of my veggies. There is also a mole somewhere too and i have even seen a deer in the yard early one morning, so these are all problems i foresee in the future. Well sorry about the long intro, i hope i didn't bore anyone much, also apologies for any noobish questions that may come your way in the future, i am by no means an expert. Thanks.