Hello all - I arrived here looking about Crested Ducks, which I keep and breed for their pretty looks, and also garden slug eating duties - particularly necessary this year I have other pretty chickens and geese, and a very large garden, which seems to have got the better of me this last season. I am usually pretty well self-sufficient in veg, and normally have a lovely flower garden, though this year everything seemed to be drowned out as it arrived Looking forward to participating This is my prettiest Crested Drake, and the daddy of the flock Ooophs .... can't post it ... will try again another time. Off to browse forums now
Hi welcome to GC they are indeed some pretty ducks I could do with borrowing them as I am finding slugs by the hundred weight
Welcome to GC forums, Sue. That's a very handsome drake you have there Looking forward to getting to know you around the forums
Hallo Sue, sounds as though your garden keeps you busy. You may find you are spending less time out there and a bit more with us soon! It's great here. Looking forward to seeing more piccies of your plot, Jenny namaste
Welcome to Gardeners Corner I'm normally self sufficient in veg too, but this year has been a write off. Out some bedding plants in the veg plot as i'm tarting the place up to sell, slugs ate them too