Hi all, my name is Tony, I'm new to all this and not a grower of things yet, but I am getting a 10 rod allotment from the council very soon, and hopefully this time next year I will be growing and eating my own, and planthing some flowers herbs ect as well, i live near to Staines (next to Heathrow airport)
A rod is a unit of measurement traditionally used for allotment plots. 5 rods is approx. 126sqm 10 rods is approx. 253sqm
Hi Tony, welcome to Gardeners Corner. It's sounds like you're jumping into the deep end by getting an allotment, but I'm sure your neighbouring guys on the allotments will give you advice and a hand when you need it. Good luck with it. I know what a ten rod allotment is but for one moment my mind went to only 10 Anglers only being allowed to fish it.:D You'll just have to watch you don't get any Airlines landing on it when you switch any lights on at night time.:D
Well as for aircraft noise, it don't get much worse than this... i'm right on the flightpath, have a look big bang - Google Maps