hose adaptors

Discussion in 'Tools And Equipment' started by The horticulturist, May 18, 2009.

  1. The horticulturist

    The horticulturist Apprentice Gardener

    May 9, 2009
    just started setting out my irrigation of my allotment - after all if done right it saves carrying a watering can and I am one for less work the better - just thought and planning at the end of the day.

    Anyway my question :-

    got a drip hose, got it off of one of the shopping channels think qvc or ideal world -very good product btw, and no i don't work for them - I have put it along the trellis and it goes thru to the allotment - thing is its twisted to follow the bends ie up then round then (im using 2 bamboo canes to guide the hose when it makes a turn down the other seed bed) im looking at having 4 defined lengths of hose btw. What i want to do is have like 4 t joints along the length of the hose by the trellis and connect defined lengths down the seed beds rather than have that snaky effect - not too keen on trip hazards . Does anyone know of a good outlet that has these adaptors and also blanking off ends for the defined lengths? - obviously being the tight wad I am cheap too please - after all im doing it organic.

    Anyway thanks for your help , im sure ill receive some good input.

    all the best for now.
  2. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    I got seep hose (I presume you mean that, rather than rigid pipe with "drippers") including T's and end-caps from Plastics by Post.
  3. plant1star

    plant1star Gardener

    Mar 15, 2009
    In East Hertfordshire/North London area, there is a company called EJ Woollards, they do all kind of fixings for leaking pipe/irrigation systems.

    Have a look at screwfix or silverline tools, they may be a shop/stockest near you.

    Hope this Helps!
  4. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    If you mean "soaker hose" you can buy joints in B & Q although they are not made specifically for it, they do fit. (I think they are made by poly pipe)
    The ends are simple, fold it over and secure with a cable tie. I just googled and pipe connectors are probably cheaper on line.

    I would suggest you do not use soaker hose for the main run, use ordinary hose with soaker hose connected as and where required.

    Just one question, since you are on an allotment, how are you going to supply the water to the hose?

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