Most of my borders and baskets , apart from the begonias , have just about had it . Driving to work this morning I noticed as usual the council planting . They have lots of the saddle type planters that go on top of safety fencing at junctions . They are exposed to all the elements and the dirty traffic passing etc etc......and they are still immaculate ! They do not just look OK for this time of the year they look 100% ! , Petunias , Bacopa , Bidens , Sanvitalia , begonias etc in tip top condition . How do they do it ? Is it special compost , special feed , we need to know ! Anyone got an inkling of what they do ?
Our council didn't plant up till mid June and ripped it all out at the back end of September But it was all still looking so good and not replaced it with anything yet (if they do).
Are you sure its the council that does it? Our council doesn't bother any more. Round here it is all entrusted to the local 'In Bloom' group. There are about 12 of them, and they don't get paid, and between them they try to keep on top of all the municipal planting. In the parks there are other groups, usually called 'Friends of whichever park or cemetery' that are also volunteers, and also take care of all the plants that the council are supposed to look after.
We don't have councils here but Parish Commissioners, having said that it's the government that supplies the plants and work force to look after the planting around the island.