How do you grow potatoes in a dustbin?

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by compost maker, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. compost maker

    compost maker Gardener

    Feb 25, 2007
    I have just bought 2K Pentland Javelin seed potatoes and want to plant them in a container. Should I use a dustbin ( I have a black plastic one) or/and buy a specialised container. I also want to know how many potatoes go into a dustbin and how do I adapt it. Also having not grow them before what do I do?
  2. capney

    capney Head Gardener

    Jul 9, 2008
    Retired and glad of it.
    Location: gods County of Yorkshire
    Good morning Compost maker
    I grew some potatoes in a plastic bin last year for the first time.
    I used 5 potatoes I got from my local deli. Not seed but scottish organic that were chitting nicely and to far gone for the pot.
    Please check this thread I posted at opening time and see how it produced some real nice tasty potatoes.
    Not a fantastic result but worth the effort.
    One thing seems to be important and that is to water every day.
    And dont forget drainage holes!
    Dont overcrowd the bin, and earth up in the bin as the shoots grow.
  3. Quercus

    Quercus Gardener

    Nov 3, 2008
    I've never grown tatties in anything as deep as a dustbin, but i have in big plastic pots (Big bucket size).

    It's a good way of growng new potatoes quickly, before they get blight.

    I used big pots, reused compost, "seed" potatoes from the veg rack that had started growing, one or two to a pot.

    It's easy, and cost nothing.

    Don't forget drainage holes, but water well, and keep in a warm, sunny, sheltered spot. Fill 2/3 with compost when planting, pop the seed just under the surface and fill up to the rim as the shoots grow.

    I was getting 2 or 3 pounds per pot!

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