How to grow a Pinapple

Discussion in 'Tropical Gardening' started by sal73, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. sal73

    sal73 Total Gardener

    Sep 4, 2011
    In case anyone would love to grow a virtual free tropical plant this is how is done.
    Select a nice and healty plant ,
    [​IMG] avoid large pinapple from the caribbean or hawaii ,
    then pinch one of the middle leaves and try to pull one off , if the leave will come off then avoid that one and get a fresh one .
    with a sharp knife , cut the top right at the base.
    and then start to pull all the leaves off the base , untill you will start to see the roots.
    Can you see the roots at the base?
    then let it dry on a window cill in a flat position for 2 days , the pot it a watering and put in a plastic clear bag for 2/3 weeks ......enjoy
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