How to grow decent mooli/white radish/daikon

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Annemieke, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. Annemieke

    Annemieke Gardener

    Feb 8, 2013
    Cudworth, Ilminster, Somerset
    We grow white radish every year, just to have something fresh to gnaw on throughout the autumn. However, I find that about half of them don't taste good. The other half I could eat all in one go!
    I can't quite describe the bad ones: they taste too earthy? There's something missing. The trouble is, you can't see it until you taste one.
    I wonder whether other people have the same phenomenon. What might cause it?
    Do people grow them at all? They are so easy: we always have trouble with the little red radishes, but never with the white ones - nor the black ones for that matter, which follow up and without which I could not get through the winter!
    I would like to hear other people's experience.
    Thanks - love Annemieke.

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