Humboldt Nectarine Tree

Discussion in 'Trees' started by Mike Graham, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. Mike Graham

    Mike Graham Gardener

    Sep 13, 2009
    Hi everyone,

    Bought one of these Nectarine trees quite some time back, and planted it about a fortnight ago in the garden.

    I was browsing the website where I bought it from today and my heart sank when I read, not suitable for growing outside!

    Now I don't have room for a greenhouse, what do you reckon its chances are for survival and successful growing? I guess these things can happen and the tree may grow really well, or it could completely die right..?

    Have any of you on here got one of this type of tree and what are your experiences with it?

    So far looks really healthy, its had plenty of new growth this year, still a bit small for fruit yet though, its only a year old.

    Thanks for your input :-)
  2. Quercus

    Quercus Gardener

    Nov 3, 2008
    Where are you?

    Is it in a pot?

    I don't know this variety, but.....

    ........ Nectarines should be hardy, the cold won't kill them in fact a cold spell in winter can do them good, they do need long hot summers, plenty of sun.

    The problem might be the flowering time, they flower early in the spring, which means they might need help with polination as the bees might not be flying by then... try a wee paint brush and tickle every flower. After flowering the embrio fruits won't take a frost... so ......

    Grow it against a sunny, south facing wall....hand polinate... and after flowering cover it with fleece if a frost is due. Keep it well watered in the summer.If you're in a warmish sunny part of the country... you could be successful in a good year.

    Watch out for peach leaf curl!
  3. Mike Graham

    Mike Graham Gardener

    Sep 13, 2009
    Im in South Yorkshire UK.

    I've just planted this in the garden, it was in a pot to develop its root system before I planted it.

    Its on a South facing wall, next to our 6ft fence, so its protected from Wind, and gets sun from morning til dusk.

    How do you combat PLC? Will keep a lookout for that.

    Thanks for your advice.

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