When is the best time to dead head a Mophead Hydrangea ?. i have three and last year i must have went Daft with one of them ,as it never flowered this year. i have seen some people cutting the dead heads off and using them for xmas decorations ,after a touch of spray paint. i have also been told not to do this as you are better waiting feb/march before dead heading so i am a little confused as to what is the correct method/time :cnfs:. music .
Music, You should be able to remove the dead heads if you like for xmas decoration, or leave them on the plant to add interest to the garden and do it next year. The main thing to remember is that these hydrangeas bloom on wood made the previous year, so it is fine to cut a few flowers in mid summer for in a vase with a stem, but from early August onwards, the plant will be setting flower buds for the next year. So, if you do cut any flowers...only cut short stems, or dead head. I wonder if you perhaps cut a bit too much stem last year on the plant that didn't flower this year? Hopefully it will have now made buds to flower next year....don't prune it! Just remember that whenever you dead head, only take the flower head off. Some ppl do think that leaving the dead head on gives a bit of protection against hard frost and winter wet. I haven't noticed a problem either way. Julie
Remember the huge blizzard we had over here last winter. Come spring there was one dear dried up hydranga flower that had made it through all of it.