I can see the fucshia!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by robdylan, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. robdylan

    robdylan Gardener

    May 27, 2009
    Ok - apologies upfront for the ridiculous pun! I suppose all this lovely weather must be going to my head.

    I have two beds in front of my house - right up against a north wall, of course - and I'm trying to figure out what to plant there. There are a few things already in the ground, most of them leftovers from the previous owners, but I'm looking at doing a clearout and replanting both beds based on some sort of theme. Being an incredibly budget-conscious individual, though, I don't want to spend lots of money on plants.

    While browsing the web the other day, I came across this, which seems like a great deal. 20 Fucshia's for 15 squids seems to good to miss, so I'm just wondering if it's at all feasible to grow fucshias against a north wall - pretty much in full shade. I see that the ones on sale are meant to be hardy, but I'm also wondering whether fucshias really are all that hardy in UK conditions?

    Any advice would be much appreciated, as always.

  2. Rhyleysgranny

    Rhyleysgranny Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Forgive my geography but are you near the sea in Kent? i ask simply because they do very well in coastal areas. Don't think they'll like the shade though. I live much farther North and I love fuschias. I find mine take so long to come into leaf I prefer to interplant with bushier neighbours. This of course may be a climate thing. I have one facing north and it does fine.

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