I need help planning my shrubbery

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by merleworld, Feb 12, 2012.

  1. merleworld

    merleworld Total Gardener

    May 30, 2011
    I'm a fairly new convert to gardening and last year spent a lot of time sorting out my garden and reinstating borders. I've got a north east facing border down the right of the garden, which I want to re-do.

    Currently it has (from top to bottom) :

    Osmanthus burkwoodii
    Purple rhododendron
    Red rhododendron
    Pale pink rhododendron
    Escallonia Pride of Donard
    Elaeagnus x ebbingei

    I planted the Elaeagnus where it is because mine and neighbour's lawns are raised above the patio area and the fence drops down, so I wanted something fast growing which would mean that we couldn't see into each other's living rooms when standing on the lawn.

    However, I have since found another way round it and have just fastened some trellis to the top of the fence, on which I plan to grow a couple of climbers (at least one of which will be evergreen to maintain the screening). I also have a Laurel in a container which should be high enough this year to block off the view.

    Once the climbers have covered the trellis then I'll move the Laurel elsewhere.

    The border is down the right hand side.

    The small apple has gone as I chopped it down recently and the Rhodos will be moved to the front garden as they are too slow growing.

    I am quite limited in what I can grow because I have four male dogs and they tend to cock their legs on my plants. For that reason, I intend to grow evergreen shrubs (must be fairly fast growing) which grow between 2m and 3m (can't have anything too high down that side as it would block out the sun on my garden, although I could prune to size if taller). I plan to strip any foliage away on the bottom 50cm so that if the dogs cock their legs, they won't pee on the leaves (which is what kills them off in my experience).

    I have put a makeshift barrier up as you can see, but I want to be able to remove that and enjoy my garden within the next couple of years without having plastic sheeting everywhere!

    I would love to buy larger specimen shrubs but they are too expensive.

    I have started planning the border but I notice that all the plants I seem to choose have mostly white flowers and I'd like to introduce a bit of colour - maybe some bright pinks and purples and also have flowers throughout spring and summer.

    Plants I already have :

    Osmanthus x burkwoodii (white flowers)
    Spring flowering

    Camellia japonica (pale pink flowers)
    Spring flowering

    Sarcococca confusa (white flowers)
    Winter flowering

    I have room for probably another two or three shrubs, although possibly more as I may leave the Sarcococca in a tub. Am considering another couple of Camellias possibly?

    Suggestions welcome!

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