I would like to introduce my brood to you all

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by TortMad, Nov 24, 2008.

  1. TortMad

    TortMad Gardener

    Sep 21, 2008
    I thought it was about time to introduce you all to my family

    As my user name may suggest, I have a little obsession with Chelonia :dh: It is because of these I have an affinity with all wild flowers, you may call them weeds, but I embrace them, in fact I grow them from seed, to feed these beasties :hehe: So here are my tortoises

    Humphrey Male Leopard

    Florence Male Leopard

    Gretel Female Ibera

    Harriot Female Ibera

    Loui Male Horsfield

    Gracie Female Horsfield

    Freddie Male Horsfield

    My none tortoise family

    Toby (my biggest baby)

    My girls (more piccies in the livestock section, though mine are just pets)
    Ruby, Tilly, Hannah, Rosie, Isabel and Iris

    I also try to maintain a tropical fish tank and a pond with goldfish and shubunkins

    Thanks for looking:flag:
  2. sweetpeas

    sweetpeas Gardener

    Sep 14, 2008
    You do have a large family there. :) I love to have animals around me too.
  3. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    I just love your tortoises, TortMad. I saw one aimlessly crossing the road a while back and I would have leapt out of the car to 'approrpiate' it but 1) we were about to go onto a motorway and 2) a friend was driving and he may not have taken too kindly to me shouting and leaping out suddenly. :(

    I would also love chickens, like you as pets, but I sadly have nowhere to put them as we built an outdoor living room on the old chicken pen walls .... the pen was 20 square metres but they had free range to the remainder of the garden.

  4. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Loving them all. The tortoises look very happy, as do the chickens :)
  5. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Hi Tortmad, my neighbours who used to live next door had two Tortoise, one was 23 years old and the other 18 and could they move,:hehe: I was always lead to believe they were slow creatures, not these two. They used to let them roam round the garden in the summer, they were fascinating. I always felt sorry for the female coz the male chased her all over, bumping the back of her shell.:skp: She gave him a run for his money though.:rotfl: 02
  6. Kedi-Gato

    Kedi-Gato Gardener

    Aug 4, 2006
    Hello Tortmad and welcome to GC.

    I loved meeting your large family and hope you'll keep us posted as to their activities. I guess the torties are in hibernation now though.

    Our son had a tortoise (and some terrapins) when he was small, but unfortunately, it didn't make it through the winter :(, we obviously did something wrong. A shame, or it would have still been with us.
  7. TortMad

    TortMad Gardener

    Sep 21, 2008
    Thank you all for your kind comments :gnthb:

    Nope they definately can move, people who see mine say OMG look at em move, aren't they quick :yez:

    Wow are you sure? :hehe: My guys are very photogenic and photography is kinda of a hobby :lol::rocksn:

    As for hibernation I am going to have more awake than asleep this winter, the ibera girls aren't heavy enough so they will be staying up, Gracie is new so is in a 6 months quarentine period so no hibernation for her and the leopard boys are none hibernating species so are always eating me out of house and home lol. The others I am hoping to start the 4 week wind down ready for hibernation sometime next month

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