Don't think it's any of the lavender family (but I could be wrong :D ). Where did you find this, Pal, in your garden suddenly? I'll look in my vast array of books tomorrow.
Looks like a veronica. It will be a garden escape, but happily "growing wild" It is related to our wild speedwells. Nice one
OK.somebody please put me out of my misery.iv got 3 pots like this.i THOUGHT it was lavender.i GREW it as lavender,(and gave myself a round of applause along with rossco for helping)but looks to me like your plant above Paladin?have i got it AGAIN? :rolleyes:
I dont think that is lavender elaine..even the stems of lavender smell nice..and are usually silvery grey /green this is lavender..
mysterious something ,paladin says in members gallery.but how did it get into my pottig shed?from first seedlings i havnt removed a thing so cant have pulled out lavender by mistake surely.maybe the old soil i used mixed with sharp sand but even that soil was cast offs from things that never and why does this happen to me????? :rolleyes: :eek:
elaine..dont worry about it i have stuff growing in the grenhouse with two different seedlings happens to everyone the plant you have in the picture looks familiar to me ..sure i have some of it somewhere..seeds get carried in the wind or on shoes etc etc..the lavender when its coming through looks green and it gets woody later..i have grown loads of lavender..from seed with no trouble at all..its just one of those things that happens to everyone..lavender doesnt really grow very fast its usually year two when you start to get flowers..
thanks for helping wildflower.i do have lavender at the front,(a bought plant of course) and was getting a bit worried but kept telling myself its just a different sad,if i had a brain id be dangerous. :D
well take some cuttings off your lavender plant they root easy enough then you will see what you have in the pot..
oh yes,good idea.sorry if im being a pain wildflower but am i right in putting lavender into the softwood catagory? ive never actually done it before but have read a little bit on it.
Hi Elainefiz, Its not lavender and the leaves look very much like Veronica which is what Paladin's "mysterious mauve" is
right take a cutting from the strong new growth..thats for now summer.. which should be semi hardwood.. once the cuttings have rooted it is best to keep them in a pot in the greenhouse ..conservatory or on a window ledge for the first winter..then just plant it out in the spring.. you will probably be able to start quite a few off..and its easier for you..