Identify fruit trees & pruning - help

Discussion in 'NEW Gardeners !' started by gooseberry, Mar 10, 2025 at 6:32 PM.

  1. gooseberry

    gooseberry Apprentice Gardener

    Dec 12, 2024
    Afternoon gardeners,
    I've attached some photos to please help identify the fruit trees on a recently acquired but neglected allotment. Thought I would start with these before it gets too late to prune & I know there will be a crop of something this year. I've numbered the photos , put a piece of 18 inch wood at the bottom of each to give an indication of size. I think the first one is an apple, and I have put some marks where to cut to keep a goblet shape - but I could be wrong. The last one could be a fruit like a gooseberry rather than a mini tree . I'm only 5ft myself so would prefer the trees low to get at the fruit - at the same time don't want to destroy it. So any help much appreciated
    I was able to open the photo link myself - so please give it a go.
    Thank you

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