Identity theft !!!!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Webmaster, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Webmaster Staff Member

    Dec 21, 2004
    GC central
    This Month (4th to be exact), I have been stiffed out of �£1200 from my bank account !!!

    I have been a victim of identity theft !!

    I checked a mini statement, and it did not look quite right, phoned Abbey yesterday, and they conformed that �£500 was withdrawn over the counter, and �£700 was tranfered out.

    The scary bit, they did it with a statement, credit card and drivers licence.

    Firstly, I do not have a credit card and secondly, my drivers licence is registered at my home address and my Abbey account has never been moved from my parents, so they must have forged drivers lincences etc.

    I am hoping they have not also applied and got a genuine credit card in my name, as I will be getting people knocking at my parents house for payment.

    The most annoying thing is, I 'SHRED EVERYTHING' , and the only way I can think they have got my statement is by Royal Mail not delivering it !!!!

    I have got to go into Abbey tomorrow to discuss the situation, followed by a visit to the Police station to report the theft. :( [/
  2. Diziblonde

    Diziblonde Gardener

    May 6, 2007
    I hope they have cctv footage in the bank, how brave of who-ever to go in and withdraw from the branch as one would assume they have cameras trained on the cash desks

    If it's any consolation I knew someone who worked for Royal Mail and although they had never broken the law before they got tempted with a credit card, they took the card and then the pin number without it being delivered, they got caught when they filled up the car at a petrol station and used the card to pay, the cctv got a lovely shot.

    I hope they catch who-ever did it
  3. Kedi-Gato

    Kedi-Gato Gardener

    Aug 4, 2006
    That is so awful WM and I also hope that they catch whoever it was, and before they pull any more dirty tricks.
  4. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Evening, Webmaster.

    Just got home a while ago and read this and I'm really, really sorry for you. I just can't imagine it happening to someone you "know".

    You seem very meticulous in everything you do, as we do, which makes the whole scenario even worse.

    Is there any insurance there that covers such?

    You are in our thoughts with this horror and hope you don't get duped any more.
  5. mef750

    mef750 Gardener

    Feb 11, 2007
    Its not the firt time Abby has done this, my sister in law has had it done to her twice. Family was scrutinised by police, and the best part is you cant change your bank!
    In the end she had to change her name, they went in with a passport of all things and the rest was transfered to a bank down south then out into spain.
    shreding dont work even the ones that do the criss cross.
    I make paper mashey out of my bank statements then ball them up and leave to dry hard.
  6. Webmaster

    Webmaster Webmaster Staff Member

    Dec 21, 2004
    GC central
    I always keep bank statements, they are all filed away in a cabinet.

    When shredding, I do a mountain at a time, a full black sacks worth, if someone can sort that out, they will have earnt the money they have taken from me.

    I really blame Abbey, they didn't take a copy of items required to withdraw money, and when asked about their CCTV, was told that it wasn't that good :rolleyes: ....... I bet it would be good enough if their bank got robbed !!!
  7. Webmaster

    Webmaster Webmaster Staff Member

    Dec 21, 2004
    GC central
    To add ....

    Anything that is really sensitive, I burn, then mix into my soil in the back garden.

    As said above, I think my statement may have possibly gone walkies from the Post Office :(
  8. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    If I remember correctly from when I had my business, don't you have to legally keep things for seven years, whether you want to or not?

    I'm past seven years now ... gone ...
  9. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    I'm so sorry to hear that Nathan.
    Let's hope that trough the bank transfer they can trace the person responsible for the theft and hopefully pay you back...let us know!

    [ 12. July 2007, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: miraflores ]
  10. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    Horrible. May the perps burn for it. At least when they break into your house and steal you know you've been 'done'.

    May you get swift justice and recompense for this, Nat.
  11. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    I'm sorry to hear about your bank trouble webmaster although I have to think that it may be Abbey's fault all along!

    18 months ago my husband and I started getting demands for money we were supposed to owe Abbey it was about �£700 or so.
    The bank claimed that after a great deal of searching that they had finally found our "NEW" address.
    All this was very strange as my husband and I had lived in the "NEW" address for 23 years and never had an account with Abbey all our life!

    Stranger still that the person who did owe the money only had my husband's first initial not his second which he always uses, the wife's initial didn't match mine at all!

    We went in person to the local bank who refused to give us any details and also made us seem as if we were the people they were looking for!

    The bank's fraud department contacted us and said that there must have been a mis-search from some department,we were given no apology or nothing just that the matter was closed.

    This was supposed to have been dealt with the winter before last, but we were still getting demands just before we moved last year!

    I'm sure that all those clever people in the fraud department at Abbey will "find" us again for the �£700 that some other "lovely" person had from them!

    I really do hope you have better luck with the Abbey then we did....they appear to be MUPPETS!
  12. Banana Man

    Banana Man You're Growing On Me ...

    May 14, 2006
    Sorry to hear this matey, hope you get it sorted soon. Just remember they are supposed to be looking after your money, you want to see exactly what was used to withdraw the money and how they obtained it. Their proceedures are at fault, this has nothing to do with you ! I must say this sort of thing is very worrying, I get far too many pre-filled credit agreements sent through that reguire little in the way of identity, and we request none of it. Fraudsters/banks messing with your money aint funny and things quickly get out of hand that takes months to put right. In our old house we had balifs turn up for the people that used to own the house who were credit card fraudsters. Thinking of you mate, I hope they apologise and give you loss of earnings !

    Stu [​IMG]
  13. glenw

    glenw Gardener

    Oct 10, 2006
    it maybe of little help WM, but if you have a capitalone or barclaycard, you have free id theft support, regardless of whether it ws on their card. also, it maybe useful to follow this link for a bit more help
    hope you get all this sorted quickly, it is getting all too common.

    everyone else- read this page, it basically says consider taking out either of these cards, not using it but at least benefit from the free protection. there is also a little bit more info about avoiding id theft, little consolation to the WM i know.
  14. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    Although I've never had an identity theft I did have money removed from my account, supposidly from 'the hole in wall'. I say supposidly because i think it was inside job myself and they couldnt provide any proof i had removed it.
    The bank said I must have taken it (it was �£70 about 18 years ago and was nearly a weeks wages so I would have known if i had!) anyway the bank was useless - told me to report it to the police station as theft - which i did, who told me to report it back to the bank!!

    Then the bank had the cheek to make me go into the red with charges as my direct debits were coming out - I was furious and i never did get my money back, it ******ed my finances up for months big style!

    The banks said it could never happen, and at the same time there were spates of the same thing happening around the country.

    Luckily now they seem to be more on the side of their customers when these things happen.

    Awful thing to happen to you webmaster but i think you wont end up out of pocket as they have insurances now.

    needless to say i changed banks but i've never trusted having direct debits for 17 years and only recently set a small one up. it's made me too wary.

    [ 13. July 2007, 03:45 AM: Message edited by: Daisy-michaelmas ]
  15. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    think i must have spelled account wrong oops!

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