Just noticed a flashing red light (which is normally static) on my boiler. Seems it went into "Ignition Lockout" mode . So, used the Reset button and now all has gone quiet. But, not being used to a combi boiler .. anyone know if this is "normal"? BTW: it's a Worcester Bosch 35CDI (if that makes any difference). Should I be worried? Just what is an "Ignition lockout?" I know we've had strong wind coming into the direction of the outlet flue; could that have anything to do with it? Just putting it out there incase anyone here knows about it and has any constructive advice before I need to call out a boiler engineer. TIA
Oh goodness how annoying especially as it's the weekend & cold! I'm no heating engineer but when our boiler went into lock out last winter hubby cleaned the flame sensor??? Apparently it gets soot on it then starts to lock out??? I hope it keeps working...good luck
I wonder if the strong wind might have upset one of the sensors, or even blown in a bit of moisture.... This light seems to mean: Moisture in 21 way low voltage connector on PCB Faulty sensing electrode/lead Sticking gas valve, or incorrectly set low gas According to these hints and tips Now, my thinking for now would be that the wind might have triggered the sensing electrode, or blown (or partially blown) the flame out making the boiler think it was low gas pressure or a sticky gas valve. If the fault doesn't re-occur, then I wouldn't worry - might be worth an ask at your next service though
The exhaust fan may have failed. There is also a sensor up there that checks for airflow from the fan - the pipes perish or block up. The sensor is easily checked with a multimeter. This caused the other halfs to lock the ignition out and is easily accessed and checked.
I've got an old boiler. It hasn't got any flashing lights, or lights of any kind. But I have heard that the new up to date fancy boilers dont like strong winds, or cold weather. So come June it could well be up and running OK again. Sorry, not much help
All appears to be back to normal since the reset: which leads me to think, our FC has put his finger on it (you can take it off now, FC) Pete - yup, come June it will be working just as I need it to (= OFF!) As for the flashing lights ... who knew!!???
Great news For what it is worth @"M", WB are amongst the best boilers that there are - generally reliable beasts, and not the worst to get fixed if they do feel a bit unwell.
That is very comforting to read, @fat controller When we moved here, we had to have the shower room completely revamped (popped high onto the priority list due to working schedules and the - corner *cough-cough* bath being less than useless ) the plumber sang the praises of the WB, plus the water pressure, and did a full check of it all (bear in mind this would have been late August, beginning of September). Hence my surprise at the flashing warning light! E.G. It's not like it hasn't had a thorough service in recent months. Which is why I think this anomaly may be due to the wind/soot/both scenario. It did cause me a bit of a wobble, but - as usual - the experience (and expertise) of my GC chums has both informed me and reassured me:
this is just my deduction... Could it be that the wind blew off the flame and an emergency setting kicked in? Whereby the gas flow would have been halted and you need to re-ignite the flame that makes everything work? (on mine you re-ignite by: turning a lever on a what looks like a 1)water tap icon and then on the 2)flame icon ). See if you find any help on this page: http://www.worcester-bosch.co.uk/ho...star-35cdi-discontinued-april-2007-literature Good luck!
All of these devices now have wee computer orientated parts. So the first line of defense is the simple re boot. Re setting is in effect re booting. This has cured your problem so don't worry ! Worcester Bosch are the best boilers money can buy and are very very reliable