I'm back, and with a whole new garden

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by RachelN76, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. RachelN76

    RachelN76 Gardener

    May 30, 2010
    Nr Manchester
    Well actually as yet it's more a patch of mud than a garden, but I am back. :)

    The reason I've been absent is that I've had a large extension built on my house, and as part of it, both the front and the back garden have had to be almost completely decimated and re-landscaped, otherwise the doors and the bits of land wouldn't have matched up because the house is on more of a hill than I'd thought it was!

    At the front I've still mainly got block paving, but i've got rid of a conifer that I've never liked, so now I should be able to see a magnolia that I love - which is a good thing. And I plan on doing interesting things with pots and borders. hopefully.

    At the back, I've lost some lawn area, and some planting area, but I still have a fairly decent-ish back garden I think. I will take some photos when there is something to photograph, but at the moment, there's a patio, and a lot of mud.

    My main worry is that because of the time of year, and because of the hassle of having to move back into the house, and the decorating and all that nonsense I don't want the new garden to be overcome by weeds.

    I used to have a lot of mature shrubs, and i did ask them to try to save some if they could, but some were seriously huge and I don't think they could have done anything with those, and others I don't think they really made much of an effort to try to save, but never mind. But because of the time of year, I'm a bit concerned that i won't really have anything to put in, and the weeds will just take over. I'll be back in the house by 8th April at the very, very latest.

    My very ill formed plan at the moment, is that if all else fails, i can for this year at least plant some nasturtiums and other hardy annuals that are easy to grow which will grow really easily, and maybe give me some ground cover and protection against weeds?

    What do you think? OK idea, or really dumb idea?

    My next questions will be all about how to go about getting a planting plan sorted that not only looks good but is fairly wildlife friendly. So any ideas on that really gratefully received.

    The garden is north facing, but because there's no one behind us it does get a decent amount of sun in the afternoon and evening (from about 10-11am in summer). Acid soil - I can grow camellias and rhododendrons like nobody's business without trying. In fact, I'm a bit scared of them because they grow so big. I'm near Manchester, so it rains pretty much all the time, but the garden was fairly well drained, hopefully still will be, but that may have changed a little in places I suppose. And I don't like roses!
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest


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