How long before the powers that be realize the problems an open doors foreign policy is causing our economy and society? To stem this tidal wave of rot we need to adopt a Australian/ Canadian style immigration policy were by we only admit those immigrants who are brining a trade we have a shortfall of. Further any one found here illegally expelled immediately or better still given 6 months of enforced work then expelled.
Well it sounds about right Paul. We do have a certain knack of attracting the scum of the world, (along with some of the good guys of course), something needs doing, but I doubt any government will really tackle the problem. When you consider that a large part of the economic boom that has just finished was created by cheap foreign labour flooding in the country keeping wages low and inflation down. It will be interesting to see what happens now, being that we are on the skids, let hope they all desert a sinking ship, like all good rats do.:D
I understand that a lot of Poles are returning home because there isn't enough work for them here. I reckon its the others who come here not looking for work and live on benefits are likely to stay - they are on a good number and the credit cruch make no difference to them.
I agree JWK, the global super spongers are a big problem due to our very lax immigration policy, "asylum seekers" indeed, mostly rejects from any country that doesn't have hand outs. But the migrant workers do us very little long term good. As you say, some are now leaving, which proves they are only here for what they can get, once things get less profitable they are off, most will claim back any tax they have paid, and skidadle back to where they came from. But in the last few years they have kept wages low, fuelling Browns boom, and put British workers, who cant live on those wages, out of a job.
The trouble with Britain and our government is that we have become far too politically correct, and everybody has come to expect it as the norm. I have no problem with immigration in principle, but I do get a bit annoyed when I hear about entire communities made up of people whose views clash with British customs, and then riots break out because someone did something that they didn't like. For example the riots in Blackburn a few years back. The problem is that a large proportion of people have given into to years of social conditioning led by government and the media. For example we now know that kids can't play out unattended anymore because every innocent passing stranger might be a pedophile or kidnapper, and any kid who falls off his skateboard and gets a bruise or a broken bone has automatically been abused by his own parents. With this level of social conditioning/brainwashing, it would be political suicide for any government to do a U-turn on the open door, free for all policy we have been told for so many years is the right way.
I am far from predjudice, I have no objection to immigrants coming here, because there are millions of Brits who have emigrated for a better life, but what I DO object to is the way they get treated Far Better and a Lot faster than our Senior Citizens and Military for getting Badly injured fighting Bliars War and with Priority at that. The DWP might well claim otherwise, yet it is a well-known fact this is true.
It will be different when Im in charge..... I can promise you that.. It may not be in this lifetime, so we may have to wait awhile.:gnthb:
I'll vote for you Robert :thumb:. The trouble is that no one takes any notice of us pensioners :(. I think I'll go on strike :hehe:
Pro, that is absolutely disgusting but I think it does show what people think about this country - an easy touch. Why do we allow criminals in? cheers
My daughters former boyfriend is Polish and he is going back. Not because he has milked the system for all its worth, he was made redundant just before Christmas. This is a man who held down a full time job and a small part time job working seven days a week,doing the jobs that our own young people wouldn't do. My view is that if the government sorted out our benefits system and got rid of the sponger society that we workers finance then the migrants would not have come in the numbers that they did. Most of the migrants are grafters and should be applauded. What I don't agree with is the amount of people who are going back to Europe and being given instruction on how to claim benefits from the English social security especially as they will also be getting tax rebates. Forget Brussels and the rest of Europe,lets close our borders before we lose our identity completley. An interesting fact that I recently read was that 20% of under 16's are now of ethnic origin.
Regarding yesterdays walkouts, there is obviously a need for some migrant workers to come here and do jobs that 'native' people don't want to do (cos they get more in the dole!) but to allow a firm to sub sub contract and import 300 refinery workers from Italy to do jobs that there are the experienced and skilled workers in the area wanting work is totally wrong (Total being the guilty company). I can fully understand their feelings.
We didn't have much choice about them, either :hehe: By the way, Dave, have you arranged for your card from the queen (they don't do telegrams anymore)? :lollol::lollol: