In our town.....

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by willow13, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. willow13

    willow13 Gardener

    Jul 27, 2007
    Hi Everybody:)

    On CH4 over the last few weeks some of you may have seen Kevin McClouds 'big town plan' about Castleford in west yorkshire and how pumping millions of pounds into the town has changed the look of it.

    I live in that town and iv watched the programs so far. Im all for regeneration and was pleased about some of what i saw being done. Imagine what i found when i took my dog for a walk! The kiddies play area opposite my house has special fabric that makes the ground underfoot slighly spongey so kids dont get hurt if they fall.This particular morning i found that some hooligans had ripped up the ground and thrown all the flooring around the field!:( It was a right mess! and to think we are on national tv with money pouring in and all doing their bit to make our town more modern and brighter looking. Im ashamed to say that I come from castleford as we cannot have anything here without these 'mindless idiots' wrecking things.
    Im sure it happens all over the place now but i just wanted to vent my spleen as im so angry!
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Hi Willow, I've watched some of these programmes with interest mainly because Kevins good at picking up the conflict between the locals and the architects. Some of those architects seem to come from another planet I have to say. and it seems a shame money was wasted on some of their designs. There does seem to be a big conflict of interst with the council wanting more development against the locals wishes aw well, so its been facinating, except I don't always remember to tune in.

    Pity that the play area near you has been vandalised, they were taking different approraches in different parts of the town if I remember correctly. One park was being completly locked up at night a bit like the old Victorian parks used to be, but its not possible to put fences around evrything.

    You are not unique in having mindless idiots, in our area we have lots of problems mainly with kids wrecking the playing areas at night. Also I help run the local Scout Group and our Hall is always being targeted, so instead of helping the young kids a few of us spend too much time removing graffitti or repairing damage - its annoying but part of modern life I suppose. There aren't any 'bad' kids around us really and there are loads of clubs and activities for them so they shouldn't really have time on their hands, in fact we have problems getting enough youngsters to join out group because there are so many others (not just scouts/guides) in competition. Its always late at night when it happens, so I have to blame their parents for letting young teenagers do as they please.
  3. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    What a crying shame, a real pity.

    I haven`t seen this programme but will catch it next time it`s on.

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