Hi, Our garden generates a lot of stuff we can't compost so I want to burn it. Can anyone reccomend the most efficient type of incinerator? Thanks Matchman
Anything with holes in the base and a chimney or restricted 'flue' at the top that will get a good draught going. Have you thought about a garden shredder? If you chop the stuff you can compost it and it's much more eco-friendly.
Hardly...we did this for college and we worked out that you get less carbon from un-compostable plant matter than from the fumes coming out the back of the shredder:rolleyes:
old oil drum with holes knocked, in stand it on bricks, literall burns anything once its going. Beware of the galvanised dustbin type shop incineraters, one good fire melts / cracks the galvanisation and they rust through.
Absolutely Progard - I wanted an incinerator recently and priced them up at B&Q - about £29.00. But I remember mum had one of these and with only relatively light use it rusted and fell apart. Don't like the idea of an open bonfire so have decided to recycle all my cut down branches and old shrub roots via the council green bin collection, although it will take an age to do so as they only collect fortnightly. A decent incinerator would be good - I need the ash to improve my soil. A shredder is out of the question cost wise and my branches are probably too heavy duty for the average shredder. Can you get hold of these old oil drums with holes in easily?
I got mine free from a local garadge ( thier oil is suplied in them) try asking at one or possibly a farm or industrial workshop. I knocked the holes in with a coldchisel and cut the top off with a grinder.
Since posting the original thread I have read a bit and decided to buy an old oil drum as an incinerator. There are one or two advertised on E Bay. Thanks for your replies.