Indoor Rectangular Window Pots

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Soup, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. Soup

    Soup Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 21, 2008
    I am trying to find some attractive indoor window pots approx 8" x 8" x 24" or 36" wide.

    Something that has a glazed finish ie (fired clay), with a pale green / brown or cream colour. (A water tray would also be necessary.)

    Like this but 2 or 3 feet wide;


    I've looked around several garden centers / DIY stores and can only find plastic or terracotta, rectangular pots.

    Could anybody recommend a supplier / retailer I could buy some pots from please?

    Also, the terracotta pots I currently use have a white limey residue on the outside, is there a way to prevent this?


    EDIT: After looking around 5 DIY chain stores and about 8 garden centers in the past month, I have found some suitable pots in Blooms Garden Center (Rugby) in about 10 different styles / colours. :thumb: Although it's cost me £40 in petrol finding these, plus all the impulse buys at various garden centers. :(

    As for the limey terracotta problem I mentioned, somebody has pointed me towards a waterproof acrylic spray.


    Perhaps best not to use it on any pots used for kitchen herbs though.

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