Hi I have two horsechestnut trees both 7ft tall and right beside each other and when I say there close there trunk touch all but the growing tip at top , I have rubbed cambium layer at two points and got them to fuse, is this a good idea our should I cut one down and let other grow, would it make a nice tree two growing together ?
There was a wild, or at least in a wild landscape, a horse chestnut that had fused together and would flower half red, half white. It looked quite nice but was much smaller than the neighbouring conkers. Unfortunately over the last few years they have mostly succumbed to the changing climate and died off. I can't help if it would make a nice tree but the one I mention above did look like a normal chestnut apart from a figure 8 trunk. If your plan is to grow the tree large then it may be reduced by having two so close.
I had a laburnum which grew two strong shoots from the base, I twined them around each other making a spiral. It looked good for about 20 years but I did some pruning a few years ago and it's let in some kind of fungus which has pretty much ruined the tree.