Inspirational tree suggestions for micro-woodland

Discussion in 'Trees' started by HarryP, Jun 23, 2023.

  1. HarryP

    HarryP Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 8, 2023
    Hello, thanks for taking a look.

    We have a section of garden measuring about 5m long, north/south, and 3m
    wide, with many mature deciduous trees along its eastern length, and 3
    ancient hawthorns the western.

    The southern end also has some trees a few metres away. Light is good,
    with direct sunlight in summer throughout the afternoon.

    I want to create a micro-woodland, adding three or four trees into the main area,with a view to planting forest type ground cover between, and hope you can suggest some interesting species.

    I'm a very amateur gardener, so would welcome experienced advice.

    Criteria: full grown max about 4-5m, height and canopy width, with main branches
    about 2m up from roots.

    Would prefer deciduous. Native species, maybe rarer varieties, may be
    preferable to 'exotics', but that's not a deal-breaker.

    Fruiting varieties possible, but we alrady have several apple trees in a
    different part of the garden. Blossoming would be nice, as would colourful
    autumnal leaves.

    Wildlife/insect-encouraging species would be good.

    Lastly, we don't want trees that will take decades to reach a decent height,
    so would consider paying a premium for already-tallish examples.

    Hope some interesting ideas spring to mind.

    Thank you for reading this!
  2. HarryP

    HarryP Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 8, 2023
    (kindly ignore this error reply :redface:)
  3. TreeTreeTree

    TreeTreeTree I know sh!t about trees

    Apr 8, 2011
    Your criteria are pretty exacting and you won't really get what you're after unless you pay a good price and invest in formative pruning and ongoing maintenance. If you really want a 'woodland' woodland then I'd plant a number of UK native species and just let them get on with it as nature intended. It sounds to me like you're wanting a more parkland treescape with native trees that are pruned into the size and shape you want.

    Anyway, if you'd like to use natives (which I would always go for given the chance), then your options would be species along the lines of:
    • field maple
    • hawthorn
    • blackthorn / midland hawthorn for a splash colour
    • elder
    • hazel
    • wild cherry / bird cherry
    • hornbeam
    • whitebeam
    • rowan
    • spindle
    I've left out specie such as ash, lime, oak, birch, alder and willow as they're not really what you're after, or will spread/grow monstrously and you'll be flat out pulling up seedlings all your days.

    If you prefer to have individual specimen trees as your own little arboretum then you could choose from a broader selection of non-native ornamental trees such as red oaks, strawberry tree, tulip tree, Japanese maples (if you have some dappled shade) etc.

    Hope this helps a little. All the best with your plan.
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      Last edited: Jun 30, 2023
    • HarryP

      HarryP Apprentice Gardener

      Jun 8, 2023
      Thank you for this informative post. I will consider carefully the trees you suggested.

      Interesting point re "parkland treescape": perhaps my "main branches about 2m up from roots" comment prompted it? What I had in mind was for there to be enough room under the trees for some thick 'undergrowth' - and the "just let them get on with it as nature intended" strategy.

      Thanks again.
    • Drahcir

      Drahcir Gardener

      May 16, 2023
      • Like Like x 1

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