As the title states! Is it me or is it that your garden is never the finished article! Every summer I think to myself (that looks good ill do that next year ) Then some unscrupulous members plant ideas in your head, that no next year you will plant different things that you've never grown before! But to me that is the challenge, looking at some of the exotics and beautiful plants that members on this wonderful forum grow on here!
Nope, not just you. I have re-planted my borders in the back garden this year. Guess what, I'll be taking out a few plants and adding more in for next year I'll also be replacing the Prunus Stella which I planted last spring in the front garden with a Prunus Royal Burgundy and re-doing all the front borders which I did the year before. I'll also be widening some borders, adding more plants and some seeds and bulbs so I have flowers all spring and summer. Never happy, that's me.
It is impossible to 'finish' a garden, simply because it has a life of its own. Even if you get exactly how you want it, as soon as you stop doing anything, it will just carry on without you.
"Guilty" too! That's what makes gardening such a challenge/fun IMO as to me a garden should be continually evolving and changing. If it always just stayed the same then certainly my garden would become like housework (groan), boring as sin! Part of the attraction of herbaceous plants is that the vast majority move easily and so you can continually change how they are grouped and improve the combinations. While perfection would be wonderful I'm not sure such a word exists in gardening. You might get 1 or 2 perfect plants in a season but something else won't have done so well, it's fun trying to get it tho.
Me too! Although this year apart from a few survivors of the Builder war, I have had a blank canvas, but already the planning for next year and successive years is under way, and constantly changing.
And me........ I've realised now that although more than happy with it, tomorrow is a new day and I come across lots of new ideas from pics and people. Part of the fun and the hobby.
Me too: I ripped up my garden after spending 20 odd years getting it 'just' right: I've still not finished it after 6 years!
Just read the thread @JWK Blinking heck, I was just on about moving a few plants here and there, extending borders by a few feet, sowing and growing different things! You have done a incredible job on your house, the garden looks fantastic John