Italian Cypress or the Juniper Skyrocket?

Discussion in 'Trees' started by Tweezers, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. Tweezers

    Tweezers Gardener

    Feb 20, 2007
    Does anyone have experience of and can please explain the differences between the Italian Cypress and the Juniper Skyrocket? I like the look of both of them but what are the growing conditions, eventual height, looks and the benefits of each?
    (I posted this question originally on the Beginners thread but nobody answered me, thought I'd try again on this one).
  2. compostee

    compostee Gardener

    Oct 27, 2006
    Sorry missed your beginners thread. Considering your location you could pick either. The italian cypress is fast growing reaching an eventual height of 40' +, where as the skyrocket is slower and eventual heigt of 15'. Both are drought tolerant and will live in most soils, including chalky and gravelly. But the cupressus can be slightly more tender than anticipated and it could suffer from wind damage, whereas the juniperus is reliable in all seasons. It depends on where you wish to place the conifer and what height you were looking for. Personally because of location and severity of some winters, i would always suggest the juniperus. But as I say you culd pick either. One thing I can advise on the front of the cupressus, Buy a small specimin in a pot as they don't transplant very well, and that includes pot to soil. They very much hate root disturbance. So for ease I again would pick the juniperus. Hope this helps. [​IMG]
  3. Tweezers

    Tweezers Gardener

    Feb 20, 2007
    Thanks for that Compostee. It will be a very exposed site so I think I'll go for the Juniperus bearing all your advice in mind.

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