It's Christmas

Discussion in 'Wants Lists' started by PeterS, Dec 16, 2005.

  1. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    I've listed my wants, what about yours?

    I have just sent some seed to a member. Having, in the process, got myself organised with a list and some small envelopes, I thought why not throw the rest open to everyone. I have a small amount of surplus seed, some I collected from my garden this autumn for my own use, but most is old packets that have been half used. I always like to leave some in the packet - just in case. The packets are mostly one year old, and nothing is older than three years, which is when I started. it has all been kept in the fridge - it should be OK but there are no guarantees.

    What is available :-

    Achillea cassis
    Aconitum napellus
    Agastache Mexicana
    Agastache Rugosa
    Ageratum Houstonianum Red Sea
    Antirrhinum Majus Crimson Velvet
    Astrantia buckland
    Astrantia roma
    Aubretia deltoides royal red
    Campanula Takesimana
    Campanula trachelium
    Catanache caerulea cupids dart
    Cleome Spinosa Cherry Queen
    Cosmos Bipinatus Radiance
    Echinacea primadonna deep rose
    Eupatorium purpurea purple bush
    Gentiana Asclepiadea
    Helenium moorheim beauty
    Hesperis Matronalis
    Incarvillea Delvayii
    Ipomea grandpa otts
    Kalimeris incisa charlotte
    Liatris spicata
    Limonium latifolium
    Limonium sinuatum Lavender
    Linaria purpurea
    Lythrum Virgatum
    Malva moschata
    Monarda didyma vintage wine
    Saponaria ocymoides
    Silene doica
    Silene mexicana
    Verbena rigida polaris

    If you would like any, contact me. Let's limit it to 4 packets each, but give me several alternatives as well, as there is only one lot of most. Some packets may not be very full. Strictly first come first served. I am not looking for anything in return.

    May yet have enough room in my fridge for a turkey this year!

    [ 16. December 2005, 08:52 PM: Message edited by: PeterS ]
  2. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    Just to say that I will be away from Christmas till new year and out of touch, but if anyone makes contact during this period I will reply in the New Year. Peter

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