Whatever the media in the UK might say, its not just us that cant get around when it gets a bit slippery then. [nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPmFyboozEs&feature=aso"]YouTube - Vehicles lose control on ice Spokane Washington 18.12. oder Autoballett on Ice[/nomedia]
I just love that Pete. My best friend of 47 years whom I met in Alabama who now lives in Tennessee and came here to visit us last year, came from Spokane, Washington, so I have just e-mailed her this. Thank you. :lollol:
Hi Lady:luv: Thanks for the link, pete. Just loved the guy in the red car desperately turning right to get away from it all.:hehe:
:luv: Hi Caj. Yeah, the red car did well as did the dude coming down in the black car ... but that black pickup was a bit too heavy to stop even after hitting the tree ... :lollol: