Jamies Vege Lasagna..

Discussion in 'Recipes' started by Marley Farley, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    Lasagna sheets (here they come in boxes and I use one, I would say about 500g?)

    For the filling:
    500g brown mushrooms
    500g spinach
    1 tin peeled tomatoes
    1 clove garlic, peeled and chopped
    1 small onion, chopped
    salt and pepper
    olive oil

    For the sauce:
    500g Feta
    500g sour cream or plain yogurt
    1 sprig rosemary and thyme
    salt and pepper

    200g feta for top

    This makes a lovely creamy, and quite filling vegetarian lasagna, which has been a hit with everyone that I've made it for.

    Heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius

    The Filling:
    Add a drizzle of olive oil to a large pan and set it on medium heat. Add your chopped onion and cook until glassy, then add the chopped garlic and leave for a bit longer.
    While the onion is cooking cut the mushrooms into small pieces.
    Add the mushrooms to the onion and garlic and cook until thy are just going soft.
    Add the spinach and cover the pan with a lid. Leave until wilted and remove from stove.
    Drain the tomatoes (you can keep the juice for tomato soup etc) and cut into pieces.
    Add to the mushroom and spinach.
    Set the mixture aside.

    The Sauce:
    Place the feta and sour cream into a food processor. De-stalk the herbs and add to the mix. Blend until smooth.

    Layer your lasagna in an oven proof dish starting with a layer of veg mix, then lasagna sheets and finally the feta mix, repeat as necessary. End off with the feta mix. Sprinkle the 200g extra feta on top and bake in the oven for about 40 minutes, or until the top is nice and golden

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