These are not pictures to make Rob very jealous, I'm afraid. They were shot through two layers of glass with my little pocket camera! But here is Mr Jay visiting my very urban garden. Just beyond the end wall is an enormous block of flats. And yes, I really should have put the garden chairs away but since they are so horrible I'll have a great excuse to buy some decent ones when they disintegrate.
Thanks for the pics ClaraLou. Lucky you to have the Jays in the garden. I only see them on the edge of the woods if I'm walking there.
That's very good Clare, you are lucky to see them so close. Those green garden chairs are indestructible btw :hehe:
Nice pics Clara, I saw a jay steal the bread from a starling in my garden the other day, first one I've seen in the garden all the time I have lived at this house.
Obviously the bad weather has made them a bit more outgoing than usual, Pip! I've noticed that the gangs of cheeky starlings which congregate in my garden keep well clear of the jays, which are clearly top of the pecking order.
Nice pictures, Clara.......when i saw the title "Jays".....i expected them to be, Blue Jays, like the ones we have here.. Very pretty!
Hi Penny I've just looked up 'blue jays'. Very, very pretty but nothing like our jays. My snap doesn't do them justice - they're rather gorgeous things with pink, blue and white markings. They're part of the crow family and have the same 'don't mess with me' swagger. The RSPB site gives you a much better idea of what they're like - nice pic top right.
Thanks, Clara......they are really pretty, arent they. Thats the same with the Jays here.....they have that "dont mess with me swagger".......they take over any bird feeder they show up at.