Jelly bag .... help please

Discussion in 'Recipes' started by Fidgetsmum, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. Fidgetsmum

    Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

    Jul 25, 2009
    Deepest, darkest Kent
    I can't abide eating jams and jellies - but I love making them, so I didn't mind when my family turned up recently with a load of blackberries and a request for bamble jelly.

    OK, so this comes under the heading of 'think ahe.....' - but having simmered the fruit, I realised (probably a little too late?) that my new dining chairs don't have stretchers and thus, there was nowhere from which to hang my jelly bag :doh: A quick improvisation involving the clothes airer, string, pegs and assorted other bits and pieces (whilst trying to keep a curious cat and dog out of the way) and a temporary solution was affected, but I need a better long-term solution.

    I've tried those 'chunky' plastic frame thingies - but the bags are far too small and when I borrowed one from a friend, I had nothing it would clip on to. There are a couple of similar metal frame type arrangements I've seen on 'the net', but again the bags are silly small and I want/need something that will take about 4lb of fruit, which as jam makers will know, also means quite a bit of weight. I could make it in two hits I know, but ... well, I just want to make the stuff and move on.

    I've got a perfectly good bag, I just need suggestions on a frame - the answer is probably simple, but when you've got a couple of pans of boiling hot fruit that needs straining and nothing to hang the bag from, the mind doesn't work as well as it otherwise might!

    So, any suggestions?
  2. Colin J

    Colin J Gardener

    Aug 28, 2010
    why use a bag at all? Just pulp the jam and bottle as normal
  3. jennylyn

    jennylyn Gardener

    Jul 17, 2010
    :) a three or four legged stool upside down works ok for a jelly bag frame.....just need either strong ties or strong elastic around top of jelly bag to loop over legs - agree - takes FAR too long making it in small batches. JELLY ON!! :gnthb:
  4. Fidgetsmum

    Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

    Jul 25, 2009
    Deepest, darkest Kent
    Ah! Now there speaks a man who's never made blackerry jelly :hehe:

    A three legged stool's a good idea - boot fairs that's obviously the way to go - or I might make a 'knock-down' one, 'sir' must have some bits of wood I could pilfer. Thanks

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