Jury service.....help.....

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Kandy, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    :mad:I have been out for most of the day and have just got back home.On opening my mail I have found out that I have been called for Jury Service in February and I am now in a blind panic as it the one thing I have always dreaded being called for:(

    I have loads of info included and what to claim for mileage wise etc,but I can't see me being able to sit all day long for two weeks or more with my Sciatica problem.My friend told me last week that she has been called as well and refused twice because she runs her own buisness and couldn't find the time but they have given her a date after Christmas and told her she HAS to go full stop.She is dreading it especially with the parking and I am to as it is in the town I grew up where I have to go,not the nearest town to where I live and getting there in the rush hour traffic will be a nightmare.

    They must be having a blitz on my village,calling people:(

    If anyone has done Jury Service then some pointers would help please...:flag::help:

    It has completely ruined my Christmas now and I don't want it on my concience that I might send someone down who is innocent,though if they are child molestors,they will be guilty before I have heard the evidence anyway.:mad:

    Thanks for listening....
  2. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Maybe this will help.

    You might be able to get excusal for your sciatica on the grounds of health, but looks like you need to submit the claim.
    Sounds like your friend will have to do it, you can only defer/refuse twice. However sometimes you can get sent home if there are too many of you.

    Look at it as being able to exercise one of the few democratic rights you have as a UK citizen. And remember, innocent until proven guilty is still the backbone of the British Legal System, regardless of the crime they are on trial for!
  3. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    I would look at it as a duty. You may just get the chance to help put a criminal inside-and keep some low life off the street.

    Hubby has done it-he says it`s mostly boring anyway.
  4. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :( I had to do it Kandy... Like you got a bit panicked about it... Yes you do have to turn up unless you have written to see if you can be excused on medical grounds,but it is hard to get that I do have to say... Always try though...

    :) Anyway I duly turned up hoping against everything that I wouldn't be needed... I was..!.
    Luckily it was a very straight forward if unpleasant case... Over very quickly thankfully...!!
    I walked out of there & thought about it... & I never really thought much more about it again, for a while I was sensitive about it, but now hardly think of it but when I do like now.. It is not a problem... Just on of life's many twists & turns along the emotional trail....:wink::thumb:
    You will be fine I am sure Kandy, as you are a level headed person &, everyone else, is, like you..... Picked from the Register of Electors...!!!!:wink::thumb:
  5. capney

    capney Head Gardener

    Jul 9, 2008
    Retired and glad of it.
    York..in gods County of Yorkshire
    This topic will raise a few emotions I think.
    Something I have not been involved with as yet, and cannot really advise.
    My worst fear is it could be a long, long case and could have one away form home on a daily basis for weeks...
    I really hope that is not the case with you Kandy and if it happens it is short and sweet for you.
    One thing you must remember if you have to go, is to not discuss the case on the forum!
  6. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Never been called before but were I to be I'd refuse being self employed and if that failed id get a mythical ailment close to the date. No one tells me what to do.

    I know from several friends who have had the misfortune of doing it and they couldn't claim all expenses.

    Id suggest getting a report from your doctor to the lines of prolonged sitting causes discomfort or similar you can then send this to the court clerk.
  7. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    I would hate it and do anything i could to get out of doing it.
    My Mom had to do it a few years ago and it was a total waste of time.
    She turned up every day and never saw one case.
    They were just left in a room waiting just incase they were needed.
    What would happen if you just refused?
  8. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    Kandy I think you are a rational person,very capable of making a balanced and impartial decision based on the evidence presented. The kind of responsible citizen I would want to judge me were I ever to ask it in a law court.
  9. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi everyone Thanks for your replys and the link,though with all the info that came with the summons I have www.cjsonline.gov.uk/juror,though I have yet to have a look at that one.

    If I don't give a good enough reply within seven days of receiving the summons or just don't turn up then I may have to pay a fine of £1,000.

    Pro and Lyn you are not allowed to refuse point blank,it is a simple as that.I can't see me being able to sit on a court room chair either in the actual court or in any waitng room for hours on end.I will fill out the form and ask to be excused from it.If they want anything extra I shall have to see my Dr and ask his advice.This is one reason why I no longer sit here on GC for too long any more.

    Another thing,Mr K has just read all the paper work and they xpect you to travel to the court by bus unless the court gives permission to use my car before I have to go.It will take me forever to get there by public transport.My friend hasn't realised that bit either.

    Pal,I am a rather shy sensitve person believe it or not.I don't want it on my mind if I make the wrong choice of a complete stranger who's character I don't about.

    Mr K had to go once years ago and he said that if I feel that I can't find the right answer then to find the person not guilty

    I am starting to feel like I am the criminal and I havn't got there yet,talk about feeling depressed and I know I won't sleep worrying about it all:(
  10. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Don't get depressed. As your hubby says, if you can't decide on the defendants' guilt then vote not guilty. Fingers crossed you'll be excused on medical grounds however.
  11. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hi, Kandy. I was called about ten years ago in Bucks and DID get out of it. I wrote a rather lengthy explanation about working in American criminal/personal injury law and that I did not believe in the British system of justice. I was told by many people that I would still have to serve .... however, I was given written leave never to serve on a jury.

    Perhaps in your case you could have a letter from your doctor explaining your back / sciatica problems? It's worth a try .... :)

  12. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    I`ve done 5 lots of jury service and found it quite mundane and boring. But it`s certainly nothing to get wound up about. Having said that, I don`t intend serving agaim.:lollol::gnthb:
  13. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Kandy, your not refusing point blank but giving a sensible reason, they are unlikely to argue it.
  14. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    I've been lucky enough not to be press-ganged into doing the job up to now.

    It may be our one last democratic right, but I tend to think the only reason ordinary people are still involved is to get the judge off the hook if the wrong decision is reached.

    Its about time the highly paid legal system did the job, and took the backlash, for what we pay them.
    Its all too easy for them to say the jury reached the wrong decision when a wrongly convicted person is freed years later.:(

    As a normal,( well fairly anyway),person, I know nothing about the stuffy, wig wearing bunch of toffs that run our legal system, or how it works, so what makes them think I might have any interest, or for that matter, knowledge of how to come to such decisions escapes me.:snz:
    I presume that is where the Judge comes in, he can tell you how to vote.:old:
    Most of them are past their" sell by date" anyway.

    Equally if I was in the dock I would not like the idea of my verdict having anything to do with how a bunch of "unwilling to be there", people think.:skp:

    The whole system stinks.

    I hope its as painless as possible for you Kandy, in more ways than one.

    As they say you should travel by bus, perhaps, ( if you have to go), you could arrive late, explaining that the bus was late.

    But that would probably be a hanging offence.:D
  15. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Pete, Totally agree with your sentiments.

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