Tweaky, please forgive me, may I share this thread with you. I understand where you are coming from. 27th August is my Dad's birthday.......he would have been 92 on Wednesday, God Bless his soul. He died at the young age of 50 in 1966 after a long 18 months of suffering from Cancer. I know it is 42 years on but the son that was born to me 5 weeks after his death, that he said he made room for (according to his reckoning) only lived 2 months so within that 3 months I not only lost my dad who I dearly loved but the life he thought he was making room for. Neither have been forgotten since and like for you, they leave a huge gap in our lives. God Bless them all and let them know that they will never be forgotten.
Oh, my gosh, my dads birthday is also August 27th, he passed on at 69 years old suddenly. I was only 21 years old. Yes there is always a gap in our lives. When you don't have a parent to share the moments in your life, to hold the history, to be the protector. I guess like minds will have same thoughts this month Hugs to you all.
Dont worry sharing, because that is what life and death is all about isn't it. No matter what age you are, sharing is good and nice, brings us all together. I have had a lovely pm from a dear friend I have met on this forum as well, so that's good isn't it.
I hope you'll forgive me, but I once wrote a poem about me when I was in the middle of a nervous breakdown, years later it happened to my dad and the last time I mentioned was the time he died.....3-30, wish I had never written the bloody thing now.
It's good to remember and good to share. My father dies when I was 14 years old. He is always in my heart and more so when I'm troubled.
I'm always talking about my mum. I think it helps to remember them. My mum died 10 years ago when I was 21. My nan died of cancer and my mum bent over kissed her then collapsed. She was a cabbage for a week then passed away. She donated her organs but all they could use were her heart valves and her corneas. Her heart valves went to an 8 day old baby.
The above posts have touched me very much, so much pain in life, and prompted me to tell you something that I have found to be of some comfort to myself at those times when the pain seems too near to me. I was shaken by by Nanna`s death and missed her very much-the penalty for loving and being loved, but the true sting of this blow was witnessing the pain my Mum endured at losing her much beloved Mum. When she herself died 7 years ago, too late I realised quite how profound and perpetual her grief actually was. Too late for many things I should have known and done whilst there was still time. Some time after her death, I dreamed I met my Nanna-I had often experienced these dreams-still do from time to time, and in it she told me how happy My Mum was there. When I woke the next day, into my minds eye came an image of my Mums face when, after death, she saw her Mum and Dad, and her Nanna and Grandad, again. I am told that dreams are merely an outlet for our day to day thoughts and brain processes, but it was like a weight had been truly lifted off my shoulders. I had found a source of joy from her death-something I never ever thought I could, something that I would have previously considered innapropiate-insensitive or treacherous even, but there it is. To pay for love with pain seems callous of whoever it is that runs this here place, but I would go through it all again and twice over to spend an afternoon with her again. I can never explain adequately, my thoughts about God and the afterlife, if indeed there is one, but my belief system lies somewhere in there. I apologise if anythig sounds offensive or just for going on about this, but sometimes you just have to say something.
Nothing offensive, Claire. I believe the grief pain of losing someone is showing respect of the love for them we had and respect for their life.
We all deal with grief differently. I was 25 when my dad died and that is 28 years ago. I still think of him most days. Birthdays are a time to remember loved ones. Your dad looks a lovely happy man Tweaky.
I'm glad you found some peace Clair. Wish I could. UJH, yes he was a lovely man...there wasn't anyone who came in contact with him disliked him in any way. Not just saying that because he was my's just true. I find it very difficult to be the 'head' of the family......cos I have no one to go to anymore to share my problems with...well I do, but not the man I loved and respected most of all in life. The biggest shock was realizing after his death that he wasn't immortal. Think you all know what I mean.
Chin up tweaks My dad's still around. In fact he's coming here as usual for his tea. He's 79 and still drives the local bus for the primary school kiddies and also the 'Villager' during the week mornings too!:thumb:...But heck,I don't half miss me Mum.