Kays Fruit and Veg shop, Ipswich

Discussion in 'Retailer Feedback' started by Ciryluk, Jul 31, 2010.

  1. Ciryluk

    Ciryluk Gardener

    Jul 19, 2010
    [align=left]Kays Fruit and Veg, Meredith Road, Ipswich.

    Not Online or a Garden Centre but they do sell plants... not the biggest range of plants I admit (just a few odds and sods outside their shop) but they are always good quality, extremely good value for money and very well looked after... put the likes of B&Q ect to shame... so far from them I've bought Rain Daisies, Geraniums, Bizzie Lizzies and a few lovely Dutch Patio Roses from them all at £1 each lol a steal... my mum has also bought plants from them and she's been very impressed she bought some mini Cyclamen last weekend also £1 each.

    So if your ever passing by take a look and see what they've got! You can only win with them! :gnthb:[/align]

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