Kerria Japonica - can i dig it up and move it?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by hippo_lady, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. hippo_lady

    hippo_lady Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 24, 2010
    Hi all,
    We have a mature (around 25 - 30 years old) Kerria Japonica which happily does it's thing every year without any fuss. Being a beginner I'm only just catching on to the need to prune regularly :doh:but am I right in thinking I need to prune after flowering?

    My other half hates it. He says it's scruffy and keeps threatening to get rid of it which I think is a bit shrubbist of him. But I'm determined to keep it as it reminds me of my dear old nan as it was one of her favourite plants in the garden (which is now our garden).

    So in a nutshell can I just dig it up and move it to an out of the way spot - I take it that I'd have to wait until autumn to do this?

    Thank you for any advice you can offer

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