(?) Killer Tree

Discussion in 'Trees' started by Roberta Farr, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. Roberta Farr

    Roberta Farr Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 11, 2005
    I have a small garden at the back of my house in inner-city London. I am fortunate that my garden backs on to a number of neighbours' gardens, so the gardens form a triangular patch between the houses. However, one of my immediate neighbours has grown a very tall conifer in his/her garden and this tree seems to shed its rather spiky leaves (not needles) continuously. I notice that very few plants will grow in the area in which this occurs.

    I recently planted two gaillardias in the area and although both were healthy specimens within a few days one shrivelled and died and the other was about to do the same, so I transplanted it in great haste to the other side of the garden where it is now prospering well.

    A few weeks later I ordered a lonicera from a mail order company, and, again the plant was healthy on delivery and again this morning I have had to transplant it to the other side of the garden in a bid to save its life,

    Is this my fancy or is the neighbour's conifer really killing my plants? If so, have you any suggestions for plants that can withstand its baneful influence? There are a number of weeds, including dandelions that appear to be able to do so, but I would rather not have to reconcile myself to having about a quarter of my back garden either completely barren or as a weed patch.

    Best Wishes,

    Roberta Farr
  2. Fran

    Fran Gardener

    Mar 23, 2005
    Mmmmm methinks its less to do with the leaves and more to do with conifers being thirsty. Dandelions have long tap routes, so get down fast to where the water is - newly planted plants don't have that capacity.

    Can you post a picture of this conifer and your garden, so we can get a feel for the problem

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