Kittens for sale

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by lazydog, Feb 11, 2012.

  1. lazydog

    lazydog Know nothing but willing to learn

    Jun 30, 2011
    waiting to win the Lotto
    Black Country Nr Dudley
    This rather simple and retarded man was in front of Kings Cross station holding a basket with two beautiful kittens in it when another man recognized him and out of curiosity asked him what he was doing there.

    He replied "_ I need to buy a new wheelbarrow, a hedge trimmer, a new car, a chainsaw and even have some spare cash once I've sold these kittens_"

    The other man just laughed and said " _ you must be mad, you will not get enough cash for just the wheelbarrow for those kittens_"

    " _You are the one that know's nothing_ " the simple man replied ", "- My sister came here, sold her pussy, now she owns a Ferrari and a block of flats-"
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