Just a mention of a new website which has sprung up as a result of Hugh Fearnley-Whittinstall's Channel 4 programme, www.landshare.net. It seems to be a good idea and might help in the case of folks who are well down on an allotment waiting list. The idea is that any land which is not in use can be registered as available, folks looking for ground also register and can access a map to check for the closest plot on offer. If you are in need of growing space, have a look, T.D.
I saw it on there too and think it's a brilliant Idea, It's just a shame all my gardens taken for now(I don't need more either lol) as I'd be happy to have someone come in and grow some veg and flowers for theirselves or family
This is something I have mentioned time and time again to the guys down on our allotment site ever since I joined in fact. I mean it's not rocket science is it? Surely there are plenty of people working, elderly or just disable who want love to grow their own fruit and veg but just can't spend the time or manage on their own. Most of the guys that I spoke to say it wouldn't work but I think they are so wrong! I have registered for this as we have two remaining plots on our site that no one is willing to take on as they need quite a bit of sweat and tears to work them but to be honest if there is no takers Bob and I might just take them on next year but saying that I'm more than willing to help people with them if they show willing themselves...if you know what I mean? Hel.xxx.
Oru site is making way for at least 9 more plots. The waiting list is only 3, Having seen where the plots are in situ I have put my name down for one more plot. Plot in situ is next to my brothers on the same side as our plots. If some one comes along and want to have a go at allotment gardening I am quite willing to share this plot with that person and also the work to go with it. It is good to share the workload and also learning things at the same time. Better this way instead of leaving the plot derelict and an eyesore. Yes I agree with you Helen.